Hello, in line with new legislation we’ve updated our privacy policy and want to update you on how we collect your personal data and what we use it for.
We have your details on our recruitment software from providing you work finding services. Your data could have come to us via a job application online, registering with us to look for work, or we could have found you a position.
Now under the General Data Protection Regulation (or GDPR as it is more commonly known) we are required to provide you with certain information in relation to the lawful grounds for our ongoing processing of your personal data.
In order to fulfil that obligation, we have put together a new privacy notice that clearly sets out how we collect and process your personal data, for what purposes we use your data, the legal grounds of processing such data, how we keep your data secure and your right in relation to such data.
Please see our updated privacy policy – https://www.unityresourcing.co.uk/privacy-policy/
We would like to keep your data on file for tracking purposes or to continue in providing you our work finding services now or in the future. We could just find you that dream job! Please click opt in and please feel free to contact us if you have any further questions.